September 29, 2006


It seems that we can't keep street lights at major intersections from malfunctioning since Katrina. The result of this is that it is not unusual to come to an intersection to find the lights flashing yellow one way and red the other. What really amazes me is that here in New Orleans people have never had any hesitation in running a red light. Now, however, I can't count how many times I almost rear-ended someone who came to a dead stop at an intersection with a flashing yellow light in their direction. Is there something I'm missing? Run the red, stop for yellow?

Molly G is SUCH a cute baby. What, ME prejudiced? Well, maybe a little. KenEllie came by this evening to be formally introduced to the little one. We're praying that perhaps a little cousin will be on the way soon??

H1 and DIL1 are coming in for basically 24 hours so they, too, can ooh and ah at Molly. It'll be nice to see them again. PLUS... they're coming in again next weekend, too!! Yay!! The Shed!!!

Babies bring out the very best in Linda, I think. She is just in her own special place when she's holding a baby. It's beautiful to behold. That's one of the reasons I think I've loved her so much is because she was always such as great mother, and now grandmother. God truly blessed me. I can't figure out what she did wrong to deserve a lifetime with me. But, that's my gain!

I'd like to ask especially for prayers for several friends of mine. Cancer seems to be a big problem with so many of my friends. Please ask God to minimize their suffering and, if it is His will, to restore their health.

May you experience the love of Jesus in your lives, and may you become like Jesus to those around you.

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