March 22, 2009


Friday, after "doing" the Stations of the Cross at church, I was at MD/DLG's house for dinner... Crawfish etouffe of the MOST EXCELLENT variety!!!! I mentioned that I could only stay a short time as I still had to work on my homily for the weekend. DLG asked, "What are you preacing on?" to which I replied, "I think I'm going to talk about sin." Her response? "Sin is good." Think about it. After a pause, "To talk about, I mean." Hehehe...

I just HAVE to share this, courtesy of The Deacon's Bench

"Stand by Me" performed by musicians around the world from SKAT on Vimeo. Suddeny, at least to me, the world doesn't seem quite as big, and brotherhood takes on a whole new meaning.

Also from the Bench,


God bless you as you journey with me through the Lenten season!


Louisiana Rose said...

Way Cool!

Hannah said...

Big fan of sin o'er here. HUGE. tee-hee