Greetings from Huntsville, Alabama! Once again I am here attending a Defense Acquisition University course. Linda and I drove up Sunday (through some pretty intense rain, I might add). She is taking the week off to be up here with me, so it's really pretty nice. Oh, and Maynard came with us. We'll be here until Saturday.
The class is very good. The instructors are the same ones that taught the course I attended in February. This will be the last course for me, most likely. It's the final requirement for Level 3 certification. I'm glad Linda was able to come, too.
Maynard is having a good time, I think. He's got Linda here with him all day long and gets to go for a walk whenever he wants. It's a dog's life, for sure!
We stopped into a Barnes & Noble tonight. While we were there we had coffee in the Starbucks and thought about Mick and Bev and how much we miss them!
Did anyone catch Bobby Jindal on Leno last night? We were sound asleep by the time he came on, so we didn't see it. Just wondering what they talked about.
Take care, and God bless.
Begun in the aftermath of Katrina, this blog was a way to keep family and friends updated as the family struggled to return to a semblance of normalcy. Now, more than four years later, the memories are still strong, the family is, to some extent, scattered. However, life did go on, and this is our story.
April 29, 2008
April 20, 2008
It's articles like THIS and THIS and THIS that really "chap my ass!!" if you'll forgive the expression.
**Update** - I referred to Dan Barry, the NYT columnist as Dave Barry, the Miami humorist. H/T to Ellen for the catch!)
It's hard enough to be a good, devout, and OBEDIENT Catholic these days, without the likes of Dan Barry (of the New York Times), Rudy Giuliani or Nancy Pelosi making it even MORE difficult.
Mr. Barry speaks of his troubles as an "American Catholic" connecting with Pope Benedict, or anything that comes out of Rome. Giuliani and Pelosi made a scandalous mockery of the Church's clear stand on the reception of the Eucharist by public officials who openly endorse abortion.
It got me to thinking. We speak, almost jokingly, about "cafeteria Catholics" or "C&E (Christmas and Easter) Catholics" as if it's really OK. Well, it's NOT OK! If we want to be Catholic, if we want to call ourselves Catholic, then we need to step up to the plate. We're NOT American Catholics. We are Americans who are Roman Catholic. If you think otherwise, then go join the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Fundamentalist or any other Christian church. Because, if you don't believe that Jesus Christ is TRULY present in the Eucharist, if you don't believe that the Pope and bishops are the successors of Peter and the other Apostles, if you don't believe that when our Lord said, "If YOU love ME (emphasis mine - DcnDn) you will keep my commandments" that he meant ALL of them, then you should stop calling yourself a Catholic, and STOP giving non-Catholics a skewed impression of what Catholicism is all about!!
**Update** - I referred to Dan Barry, the NYT columnist as Dave Barry, the Miami humorist. H/T to Ellen for the catch!)
It's hard enough to be a good, devout, and OBEDIENT Catholic these days, without the likes of Dan Barry (of the New York Times), Rudy Giuliani or Nancy Pelosi making it even MORE difficult.
Mr. Barry speaks of his troubles as an "American Catholic" connecting with Pope Benedict, or anything that comes out of Rome. Giuliani and Pelosi made a scandalous mockery of the Church's clear stand on the reception of the Eucharist by public officials who openly endorse abortion.
It got me to thinking. We speak, almost jokingly, about "cafeteria Catholics" or "C&E (Christmas and Easter) Catholics" as if it's really OK. Well, it's NOT OK! If we want to be Catholic, if we want to call ourselves Catholic, then we need to step up to the plate. We're NOT American Catholics. We are Americans who are Roman Catholic. If you think otherwise, then go join the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Fundamentalist or any other Christian church. Because, if you don't believe that Jesus Christ is TRULY present in the Eucharist, if you don't believe that the Pope and bishops are the successors of Peter and the other Apostles, if you don't believe that when our Lord said, "If YOU love ME (emphasis mine - DcnDn) you will keep my commandments" that he meant ALL of them, then you should stop calling yourself a Catholic, and STOP giving non-Catholics a skewed impression of what Catholicism is all about!!
April 17, 2008
This was the entertainment at the wedding reception Saturday night at English Turn Country Club. OUT-STAN-DING!!!
April 13, 2008
every time I watch this video.
Paul Potts, winner of last year's Britain's Got Talent competition.
Paul Potts, winner of last year's Britain's Got Talent competition.
It was another whirlwind week, of sorts, with the low point being two days of work lost (Thursday and Friday) to a persistent migraine.
The week ended on a high note, though, with a wedding rehearsal Friday evening, followed by an excellent rehearsal dinner at "Ralphs at the Park" on Canal Blvd., across from the City Park main entrance. Saturday evening I "officiated" at the wedding (9 groomsmen and 9 bridesmaids!) of Brad and Jenn (no jokes, please. When I first met the couple, I told them that the whole "Brad/Jenn" thing had already been done, but they wanted to go ahead anyway). After the wedding we were treated along with the other guests to a HUGE reception at English Turn Country Club.
The week ended on a high note, though, with a wedding rehearsal Friday evening, followed by an excellent rehearsal dinner at "Ralphs at the Park" on Canal Blvd., across from the City Park main entrance. Saturday evening I "officiated" at the wedding (9 groomsmen and 9 bridesmaids!) of Brad and Jenn (no jokes, please. When I first met the couple, I told them that the whole "Brad/Jenn" thing had already been done, but they wanted to go ahead anyway). After the wedding we were treated along with the other guests to a HUGE reception at English Turn Country Club.
FYI, at a Catholic wedding, the bride and groom give to each other the sacrament of matrimony, while the priest or deacon is the official witness of the Church to the sacrament.
Also FYI, in the Catholic Church there are seven sacraments (outward signs, instituted by Christ, to give grace). These are baptism, reconciliation (confession), communion, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders (priests and deacons), and anointing of the sick (formerly called "extreme unction").
H1 sent along several pics from last weekends get together. I'd like to share a couple with you. The crawfish boil was held at MD/DLG's home.
Also FYI, in the Catholic Church there are seven sacraments (outward signs, instituted by Christ, to give grace). These are baptism, reconciliation (confession), communion, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders (priests and deacons), and anointing of the sick (formerly called "extreme unction").
H1 sent along several pics from last weekends get together. I'd like to share a couple with you. The crawfish boil was held at MD/DLG's home.
Yours truly makin' pizza Friday night!

April 6, 2008
I know it's been 8 days since my last post, and I apologize. It's been a busy week.
Tuesday Linda and I held a baptism seminar for 5 couples who are looking to have their children baptised in the near future. There were also some godparents and family present, bringing the total to 15, one of the largest groups we've had in awhile.
We usually begin our seminars by asking the parents/godparents just why they want the child(ren) baptised, what it is they expect to get out of the sacrament. The responsed are generally varied, but almost always we get, "I was raised Catholic, and I want my children to be raised Catholic, too" or "I want my child to have a good, moral foundation as they grow" or "I want my child to be freed from Original Sin" or variations on those responses.
Tuesday the first TWO couples' response was, "If it was up to me I wouldn't have my child baptised. I'm just doing this to get my parents off my back. THEY want the child baptised."
Wow, was I taken back by that, as it was most unexpected. When I polled the group, out of 15 people only one person said she attended church "occasionally" and another went at Christmas. The rest just didn't go.
Where do you go from here? Canon law clearly states that a child shouldn't be baptised unless there is reasonable expectation that he/she will be brought up in the faith. Here we had a table full of people who didn't present, even remotely, any expectation to that effect.
The whole episode was disconcerting, even discouraging.
Friday H1/DIL1 arrived from Houston. As promised we made pizza for the whole family. It was a lot of fun and good times were had, I think, by all.
Saturday was "the world's greatest yard sale" in Algiers Point. KenEllie and her mom and dad got off to an early start. Linda and I met with our marriage prep couple for the last time before the wedding, then Linda joined up with DLG, DIL1 and KenEllie and mom/dad to check out the yard sales.
Saturday night we all went over to MD/DLG's for a crawfish boil. Since I had to preach this weekend, and H2/H2GF had to work, the crawfish boil began around 7-ish. It was awesome. MD did a super job of "burlin' the mudbugs". A little excitement was added to the event when the first pot of crawfish was accidently knocked over just as they were being taken out to be dumped on the table. Fortunately MD had a new shovel and the crawfish and veggies were quickly scooped up, cleaned up and finally consumed.
We rounded out the weekend by having a meatloaf, mashed potato and corn on the cob dinner for H1/DIL1 (mostly for DIL1... the pizza and crawfish had been at H1's request). Then it was time to say goodby once again, and wish them a safe journey home.
That's it for the week. Take care. God Bless!!
Tuesday Linda and I held a baptism seminar for 5 couples who are looking to have their children baptised in the near future. There were also some godparents and family present, bringing the total to 15, one of the largest groups we've had in awhile.
We usually begin our seminars by asking the parents/godparents just why they want the child(ren) baptised, what it is they expect to get out of the sacrament. The responsed are generally varied, but almost always we get, "I was raised Catholic, and I want my children to be raised Catholic, too" or "I want my child to have a good, moral foundation as they grow" or "I want my child to be freed from Original Sin" or variations on those responses.
Tuesday the first TWO couples' response was, "If it was up to me I wouldn't have my child baptised. I'm just doing this to get my parents off my back. THEY want the child baptised."
Wow, was I taken back by that, as it was most unexpected. When I polled the group, out of 15 people only one person said she attended church "occasionally" and another went at Christmas. The rest just didn't go.
Where do you go from here? Canon law clearly states that a child shouldn't be baptised unless there is reasonable expectation that he/she will be brought up in the faith. Here we had a table full of people who didn't present, even remotely, any expectation to that effect.
The whole episode was disconcerting, even discouraging.
Friday H1/DIL1 arrived from Houston. As promised we made pizza for the whole family. It was a lot of fun and good times were had, I think, by all.
Saturday was "the world's greatest yard sale" in Algiers Point. KenEllie and her mom and dad got off to an early start. Linda and I met with our marriage prep couple for the last time before the wedding, then Linda joined up with DLG, DIL1 and KenEllie and mom/dad to check out the yard sales.
Saturday night we all went over to MD/DLG's for a crawfish boil. Since I had to preach this weekend, and H2/H2GF had to work, the crawfish boil began around 7-ish. It was awesome. MD did a super job of "burlin' the mudbugs". A little excitement was added to the event when the first pot of crawfish was accidently knocked over just as they were being taken out to be dumped on the table. Fortunately MD had a new shovel and the crawfish and veggies were quickly scooped up, cleaned up and finally consumed.
We rounded out the weekend by having a meatloaf, mashed potato and corn on the cob dinner for H1/DIL1 (mostly for DIL1... the pizza and crawfish had been at H1's request). Then it was time to say goodby once again, and wish them a safe journey home.
That's it for the week. Take care. God Bless!!
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