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Begun in the aftermath of Katrina, this blog was a way to keep family and friends updated as the family struggled to return to a semblance of normalcy. Now, more than four years later, the memories are still strong, the family is, to some extent, scattered. However, life did go on, and this is our story.
March 27, 2010
March 18, 2010
Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI
Our Father
3 Hail Mary
Glory Be
V. Let us pray for our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI
R. May the Lord preserve him, give him long life, make him blessed upon the earth, and not hand him over to the power of his enemies.
V. You are Peter.
R. And upon this Rock I will build my Church.
Let us pray,
God our Father, Shepherd and Guide, lookk with love on your servant, Pope Benedict XVI, the pastor of your Church. Grant that his word and example may inspire and guide the Church, and that he, and all those entrusted to his care, may come to the joy of everlasting life. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Saint Peter, pray for us.
March 16, 2010
It was a great five days!! Sara arrived at midnight Wednesday. While Linda and I were at work on Thursday, Sara and Brenda went to the Quarter for café au lait and beignets, and also went to the Aquarium. In the evening, it was off to Aunt Leni's for char-grilled oysters, with Sara, Brenda, Linda, and KenEllie, after which we all returned home for some delicious Chantilly Berry cake from Whole Foods, and a viewing of The Proposal.
Friday both Linda and I stayed home to spend time with Sara. Lunch was pizza at Mo's. Dinner at FujiHana to celebrate Kenny's Birthday with DJ, Brenda, Kenny and Gisselle, Sara and Linda.

Monday I called the boss and got the day off. Linda, Sara and I rode (again!!). This time we met Skip from Mandeville and his wife. He had "rescued" Sara during her epic motorcycle journey to Colorado when she found herself out of gas in front of a (closed) gas station in Colorado. We joined Skip and his wife at the 'Teau and had a great time meeting, greeting and catching up. Then it was back home again, once more going through the French Quarter, just because it's so much fun when your on a motorcyle. Resting up we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall, then off to P&Js for some shrimp bisque cooked up by Major Dad from the leftovers of the day before. It was truly "kick ASS" bisque!!
Today it was back to work. Sara will be flying out in about an hour and a half. All in all it was a terrific visit and we can hardly wait to see Sara, and everyone else, in July for the wedding.
So, there you have it, Sara's visit, in a nutshell.
Take care, and God bless!!
March 8, 2010
The RCIA class that I'm leading is going well. I've tried to avoid being involved in RCIA ever since ordination. It just didn't feel like what I was being called todo. Having been "stuck" with it this year, it is proving to be a real learning experience for me. I'll stop short of saying that I'm glad I got roped into it, but I am learning a lot more about the fundamentals of my faith, which is a good thing.
Moving on slowly toward the July wedding. It's coming faster than it seems. So much to do... still trying to plan the rehearsal dinner, although as it stands now it's looking like a good ol' Louisiana shrimp boil is in the offing! Should be a lot of fun.
It's going to be really great getting everyone together.
We're starting to warm up, a few degrees at a time, with cold fronts passing through every several days, bringing rain. We still have at least one good cold snap in the wind, since the Navy hasn't shifted to their summer uniform yet. Every year the Navy finally shifts into the summer uniform and shortly thereafter we get the last cold snap of the season. Without fail!
With the huge disasters in Haiti and Chile and the flooding in France, the the mudslides in the Archdiocese of Tororo, Uganda have gone largely unnoticed. From what I've learned,
And speaking of Uganda, it's time to start planning our next trip. Perhaps in 2012. When we went in 2005 we were accompanied by DLG, and also our very close friends (and brother deacon) "Uncle" Mick and "Aunt" Bev. DLG had a great time and wants to bring the grandkids next time! Perhaps some of my siblings would like to take a journey to the "dark" continent? After all, you'll have your passports... why not?!?!
Sad to report, the "dismantling" of the New Orleans Saints has already begun.
Lent is moving right along, and Easter is just around the corner. Time to start rehearsing the Exultet!! Probably the longest 6 - 7 minutes of my life! (Although it probably seems MUCH longer for the congregation!!)
I have several special intentions for which I am asking for prayers. Thank you, in advance, and God bless you!
March 2, 2010
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