The wedding event was beautiful, with everything working out perfectly despite glitches occurring at virtually every step in the planning process. The first indication that Good Karma was on vacation was when the wedding invitations arrived, only to discover that my middle name had been misspelled! Fortunately there was ample time for me to search the internet to find the exact font used, track down matching paper (which had to be specially ordered and cut into 8 ½ by 11 sheets, then recreate the invitation. No problem!!
Next came the bridesmaid dresses. Two were sent to Dallas arrived, one was late; two were sent to Del Rio, one arrived, one was late; but they all arrived with just enough time to ensure that the ladies were beautiful for the big day.

Still, all is taken care of in plenty of time for the wedding, yes? So now it’s Saturday at 3:00 PM and the wedding is about to start… except… the mother-of-the-bride, as well as the Maid of Honor, having gone to the reception hall in Acuña to pick up the bridal bouquet and flowers for the church, is stuck in the traffic jam that is the border crossing back into the U.S.!! The priest, Fr. Clay, is unruffled, and announces that we will pray the rosary for the peace of mind of the delayed persons struggling to get to the wedding.
Finally, the wedding ceremony begins (about 45 minutes late). The wedding singer’s voice is lovely, the procession is beautiful and everything goes as planned. I have the honor and pleasure of being the deacon at the Mass, and also officiating the marriage rite. During the ceremony, the couple is joined together with a wedding lazo (a double looped rosary), symbolizing their unity and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Later they, together, go to a statue of the Blessed Virgin to place flowers and say a prayer. It was here that, due to the slight discrepancy in height between the newlyweds, the lazo broke, much to the dismay of the bride! Once again, Fr. Clay was up to the challenge, offering comforting words describing the love of the groom for the bride having “burst” the lazo by its sheer magnitude!! Well done, Fr. Clay!!
It was decided to meet up at our motel and leave as a group to go to the reception. But… no one knew where it was!! Then we got a call from the groom wanting to know where everyone was, and to hurry up and get to the reception hall! So we asked for directions. H2 said someone would come by to lead us there. Of course, we didn’t wait long enough. Picking up some tourist maps (you know how great they are!!) we set off in 6 cars for the reception. Crossing the bridge over the Rio Grande we entered Acuña. We then set off in the general direction we knew we were supposed to go. Trying to get more specific directions was complicated by very haphazard wireless service, but when we drove OUT of Acuña, it was time to stop and get some assistance. We turned around, managed to get H2 on the phone while heading back into town. After being COMMANDED to “pull over! Don’t move! Where are you? Wait, we’ll send someone” we did just that. Within 10 minutes we were intercepted and led to the reception hall!

My sincere thanks and appreciation to all the friends and family who braved the airlines, highways, border crossing guards, and border taxis to make this event such a special one!! I truly love each and every one of you and wish you all God’s blessings!!