"Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven, exult, let Angel ministers of God exult, let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our mighty King's triumph!" - from the Easter Proclamation
Over the past 12 years of jitters, butterflies, and nervousness I had finally become reasonably familiar with the Exsultet, and the prospect of singing it acapella was less of a nightmare. This year, however, with the new translation of the Roman Missal, came a new translation of the Exsultet, and with that, came new jitters, butterflies and, well, you get the picture.
I am, by nature, a shy person. I hate public speaking. I don't like crowds. I like to arrive early to events so as to find an inconspicuous place and to not draw attention to myself. I hate to arrive late, and frequently will skip a meeting if I'm late rather than go in after it has started. I know it's silly and childish and shows a decided lack of self-confidence but... there it is.
So how on earth did I end up a Roman Catholic deacon? At least once a month I have to stand up in front of our church parish congregation at each of three masses and preach a homily that I prepared. Every year at the Easter Vigil Mass I sing the Exsultet (which used to take 7 minutes, and now takes 9-10 minutes). Am I just a glutton for punishment, or does God have a really twisted sense of humor? I can just imagine Him, with a huge grin on His face, watching me squirm as I try to prepare for each homily, or for the Easter Vigil. It has been said that "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." I wish I could feel a little more qualified. (*and no, I don't want any cheese with that whine!) Oh well, as one infinitely greater than I once said, "Father, not my will, but thy will be done."
This is turning into a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend. The Lord has blessed us with perfect weather, sunny and not too hot. The family is gathering today for our traditional Easter ham dinner, which H2/H2FGNW are hosting at their home. It is going to be a great get together. We will miss H1/DIL1, but will have them in our thoughts and hearts throughout the day.
Please pray for my sister, who had surgery on her shoulder, for a speedy recovery. May she soon be "in the wind" back on her motorcycle!
My own prayers go out to all my family and friends spread throughout the country and the world! May this Easter bring you happiness, draw you closer to family and to our Lord, and give you hope and comfort in His promise of life everlasting.
May the peace of Christ be with you, now and always! Happy Easter!