That's hard to believe!! February just flew by way too fast, I guess. Let's see if I can recall a little bit of what went on in February.
At the end of February I had "rooster comb" injections in both of my knees to replace the lubricating fluid that has apparently been lost over the years. 3 sets of 2oz. shots in each knee, one week apart. Loads of fun.
At the same time, Linda had her leg checked because it has been causing her much discomfort for awhile now, and ended up having arthrosopic surgery for a torn meniscus in her knee. The surgery went well, and she's home now recovering.
Linda and I are both on the "Bouari" diet. It seems to be working, but takes a lot of dedication. Any diet is difficult here in Southeast Louisiana because of all the wonderful fried seafood and other cuisine that is available. This diet bans all dairy, grains, yellow vegetables. It seems to work as advertised until I start cheating! Then I have to regroup, refocus, and get back on the diet wagon again! I have a LONG way to go! Wish me luck.
I think we're going to get a gazebo for the back yard. Linda has been wanting one for a couple of years now, and this year she seems really set on getting one, so maybe I'll have some gazebo assembly antics to write about in the near future... stay tuned!!