February 13, 2006

Forever, My Love

Now I remember… Yes, NOW I remember why Linda and I decided we will never live in New York again. All it took was one little snow storm in Memphis, 3 days of sub-freezing weather, and watching the Northeast US buried in snow. Yep. I remember now. We’ve lived in the South way too long to go back now.

This weekend I start moving my things back to New Orleans. It also gives us a chance to go watch H2 and DIL ride in King Arthur, one of the first parades of this year’s Carnival season. I sure hope it’s warmer in NOLA than in Memphis.

Unless you’re living under a rock, you probably know that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I would be severely remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to tell Linda how much I love her! Linda, you are my life, my love, my joy. I thank you for being the wonderful wife and mother that you are, and I thank God every day of my life for His wonderful gift, that of your loving me in return. It is my sincere hope that our children get to experience a love as deep and enduring as that which we have for each other. Thank you for being my Valentine every day of the year!

Nuff said!


Louisiana Rose said...

God has truly blessed us! I love you too!

Hannah said...

Awhhh, you guys are soooo sweet. Just precious!! Knock it off. hehe Happy Valentine's Day, I hope you two thaw out enough to enjoy it.

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you both! Can't wait to see you guys!!Can't wait for parades! Can't wait for H1 and DIL to come visit! Yay!!!