October 30, 2006


Linda is only home for a week, then gone again.
The all the furniture and stored boxes from the two back bedrooms are now scattered throughout the rest of the house while the ceilings and walls are being redone.
It was my preaching weekend, which is always stressful.
It was “Steel Pony” weekend, which is now defunct.
The Saints blew it against the Ravens.
H1 and DIL1 were missed at Major Dad’s birthday dinner.

Linda is home for the whole week!!! Hoooooooo-ray!!! (or should I say Boo- ray in honor of All Hallow’s Eve?)
The back bedrooms should be fixed this week.
It was Major Dad’s birthday weekend and we got him an iPod that he’s been wanting.
The whole family, sans H1/DIL1 but including FL1, got together for MD’s (please do not confuse H1 and MD) birthday dinner.
Ian spent the night Saturday night.

I would ask for special intentions in your prayers for several of my friends as they struggles with major health issues. Also, if you would, prayers of Thanksgiving that God has provided us with such wonderful benefactors in Tom and Cathy, who are so graciously allowing Linda full access to their home during our period of separation.

May God continue to bless you and keep you close.

1 comment:

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Well said, Pops.