It was a great Christmas, for the most part. I do fell very badly that I missed all the Christmas Masses because of whatever this is that is ailing me. Linda ended up going to Midnight Mass alone, which made it even worse.
KenEllie, DLG and kids went to the 5PM Mass, which was super crowded. After Mass, KenEllie went to her folks house for dinner and to exchange gifts, then on across the lake to her aunt's house for their family gathering which lasts into the wee hours of the morning.

Major Dad joined DLG and kids for a quick Popeye's supper at our house,

after which we exchanged gifts. Ian was handsome, BB and MG were absolutely adorable in their Christmas finery. Both girls had sparkly red shoes.
I couldn't wait any longer, so I gave Linda her surprise gift. Much to my delight she was not only surprised, but seemed genuinely happy with it. After that she decided to give me my surprise early as well. (hmmm... could this be a new family tradition?)
She had new headlights and LED's added to my ride, really "pimping" it out! I am ecstatic!!
Christmas day began quietly as we prepared a ham, some stuffing and other foodstuffs to take over to Major Dad/DLG's house for dinner. Then KenEllie came over and we finished exchanging gifts with them and H2. I think everyone was pleased with their gifts.
This afternoon we all gathered for dinner, after which KenEllie and MD/DLG et al exchanged gifts. Although H1/DIL1 were absent, we were graced by the presence of H2's very lovely friend, Brenda.
I have to tell you about the dinner. Actually dinner isn't the appropriate word here. I think FEAST is more like it. We had a vegetable tray, deviled eggs, ham, roast beef, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied yams, corn, green beans, asparagus, carrots ala Aunt Bev, rolls, key lime and apple pies. Definitely something for everyone! There was so much food that we're all getting together again for dinner tomorrow night! I'm guessing the menu will be pretty similar!
I hope everyone's Christmas was filled with joy and love. And I pray that joy and love are what we extend to others throughout the coming new year!