H1 flew in Friday afternoon. Saturday evening (after a l-o-o-o-o-n-g class in Fundamental Theology) we all went to D'Itali's Pizza for supper, sans Major Dad who was working. As usual the food was great, the company equally great, and a good time was had by all!
Sunday afternoon we gathered at Major Dad/DLG's for barbecue. The man works MAGIC with a spatula, I have to say! Burgers, beans , corn, sausage!! It was ALL GOOD!! This time H2 had to work, so we missed him, but we surely enjoyed watching the Saints put the hurts to the Niners!
Sadly, H1/DIL1 had to leave early Sunday afternoon for the drive back to Houston. Hopefully they will be back in a few weeks for the new bike festival here in NOLA. We haven't had a bike fest since Steel Pony went under after Katrina, so it's good to have someone trying to establish one again.
Today our command, once again, evolved (devolved?) into another. Since I went to work many moons ago after retiring from active Navy service, I've worked for the same people. When I went to work in 1991 it was for CNRF Code 10 (the IT dept of CNRF). That evolved into NRISO (Navy Reserve Information Systems Office), which became the ITC (Information Technology Center) which was renamed SPAWAR ITC and moved under Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR). Then we morphed into Spawar Systems Center New Orleans (SSC NOLA) and today we are SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic, New Orleans Office. Still the same people doing the same work. Kind of brings to mind the old saw, "In lieu of progress, reorganize." And "she who must be obeyed" is now the queen bee of the hive! What do you think of that, Big J??? Wish you were still here? I think NOT!!
That's about it for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!!