A short update... Christmas was EXCELLENT!!! H1/DIL1 came in from Houston on Christmas Eve. I served at the 5PM Christmas vigil Mass, and also at Midnight Mass. After sleeping in late, KenEllie came over and we opened gifts with them and H2/H2GF. Check back later, I will update with a photo of the tree.

Major Dad did the honors for dinner, so we were supposed to bring Mom's turkey dressing. Of course, we didn't realize until Christmas morning that we were out of sausage, a key ingredient! Linda ran out and found a store open, so all was saved! At 2PM (on the DOT, I might add) we arrived at MD/DLG's house. Dinner was DEEEEEE-LISH! Ham, turkey, dressing, potatoes, corn, green beans, cranberry sause, olives (yuck), devilled eggs (yum), and apple and pecan pie with ice cream for dessert.
After lunch we exchanged gifts with MD/DLG and family, and H1/DIL1. I think everyone was pleased with the giving and receiving.
Then we socialized and watched, on and off, Mamma Mia on DVD.
H2 had Police Academy every day except Christmas, so on Friday Linda and I took H2GF to the airport. She flew home to Texas to visit her family. Then Friday evening Linda and I had a very nice dinner at D'Itali's with KenEllie.
Saturday we all met again, this time at a new (to us) restaurant that served Central American cuisine. It was a real treat, after which H1/DIL1 "hit the road" back to Houston.
Saturday evening I preached at 5PM Mass, then watched Mamma Mia (yes, again) at KenEllie's. Sunday rounded out the weekend with preaching at both morning Masses, then spending a quiet afternoon and evening at home with Linda.
All in all it was an excellent holiday, and I'm hoping that the New Year is the same. Linda and I will have off Thursday through Sunday, but H2 has to work New Year's Day with the other recruits "slinging" police barracades. At least he gets paid overtime for doing it!!
I hope everyone had a very Merry and Holy Christmas, and has a Happy New Year!!
God Bless!