May 5, 2007

B-b-b-b-a-b-y, Y-y-y-y-o-u Just Ain't Seen N-n-n-n-o-t-h-i-n-g Yet!

Today is not such a good day. H2, KenEllie and Mom are at the May Festival. I am home. It's been a long day. I got up this morning and jumped right on breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and toast for my sweetie and me. While we ate we watched a show on DVR (an episode of Ghost Whisperer that we hadn't yet seen). After the movie and breakfast were over, I got up, put the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink and headed off for my morning constitutional (we'll just leave it at that). While preoccupied with that, I began to realize that both hands were starting to ache, in the wrists, fingers, all the knuckles. Just a few minutes later I headed out to the kitchen again, but now all my joints were aching... hips, knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders! Plus, I felt a migraine moving in quickly. I grabbed some Migrin-A and told Linda I was going to lay down for a bit to see if I felt better. Once I laid down, I began to shake uncontrollably. I tried a heating pad and blankets but I couldn't stop shaking all over. Finally, after about a 1/2 hour of uncontrolled shaking, Linda got me up and we headed to the ER. While there, the Migrin-A wasn't working so Kenny brought my Fiorinal and some ice water to the ER. It was great and I think it helped. After three hours of alternately shaking, nodding off while sitting in the waiting room, and numerous trips to the bathroom we decided since they obviously didn't think I was having a heart attack or stroke, and I was finally not shaking so much, we checked out and went home, where this time I went straight to bed and to sleep. At 5:30 I got up to get some more Fiorinal, and say goodby as the rest of the family headed off the the May Festival. I can't seem to shake the migraine, but the uncontrollable shaking has gone and I feel a little better. It was pretty scary, as nothing like this has happened to me before. I've had migraines hit within minutes, but never with the other symptoms. I'm asking for prayers that this doesn't drag on and on. Thanks, in advance!


Anonymous said...

Prayer warriors....ATTACK!

Anonymous said...

Sure you didn't have a reaction to something? Thats basically what happened to me when I went to the hospital, without the headache. Get better, dammit. You still owe me pizza!!

Louisiana Rose said...

You KNOW he was sick if he let me take him to the ER !!!!